I Can

A ready-made training and nutrition plan customized to your needs, desires, and abilities.

Training materials about all the subtleties of achieving a sporty body.

of Physical
Be in shape in
any part of the world! ]

Be in shape in
any part of the world! ]

A ready-made training and nutrition plan customized to your needs, desires, and abilities.

Training materials about all the subtleties of achieving a sporty body.

of Physical
Be in shape in
any part of the world! ]

Be in shape in
any part of the world! ]

my approachof project

[ 1 ] This project

is exclusively about long-term, stable results that will stay with you for years and not disappear after holidays, vacations, / cheat meals.

[ 2 ] For whom?

this is a project for everyone who dreams of building a sporty body or taking their existing results to a new level.

my task

to accompany you to the first victories or open the second breath to achieve new ones.

My goal

is to gently introduce self-care into your routine, to befriend you with your body, and to teach you how to listen and understand its signals.


that building new forms is only difficult for those who don’t have enough information.

To explain

that ironclad restrictions harm rather than promote progress.


that it’s not okay to train without results.

To give

you maximum tools to create your dream reflection and to make you fall in love with sport irrevocably.

my name is
Zhenia, [ and I am now in my sixth year,
of a happy love
affair with sports! 🙂

my experience:

Over the years of continuous training, I have tried out all the training systems that include power and cardio workouts. I’ve gone through dozens of educations and trainings, bought every marathon on the market, and studied with pro-trainers and experts from all over the world to find the perfect system to achieve quality results.

I have

experimented on myself with all known principles of nutrition and dieting to give you the opportunity not to experiment, but to know a clear plan to build an athletic body.

My shape

was built from scratch, without the athletic base of childhood or genetic privileges.

you can

Only on the ironclad certainty that absolutely everything is possible, regardless of circumstances and starting point “A.”

I'm a full-time head-turner in training and know exactly where to turn your training plan to fulfill your dreams! 🙂 🙂

How do I decide

whether my level is "basic" or "advanced"?


It will suit you if:


It will suit you if:

a course

courseStone ABS

Who is it suitable for?

Those who want to touch the impenetrable abs 🙂

Program goal:

> comprehensive workout of the four main abdominal muscles
> activation of deep core muscles, back and small pelvic muscles
> waist reduction
> fat-burning to see your six pack abs
> work on stabilization and balance

What's inside the program?

20 strength training
sessions to pump up the abs with detailed technique videos
4 cardio workouts
for effective fat burning
a guide
to help with gastrointestinal function, teaching you how to customize your food choices
a detailed training block on nutrition, menu planning for cut/mass gain/weight maintenance
My goal is to literally teach you how to eat, get full on a deficit, and not gaining extra when bulking. I will give you all the tools so that you can always make your own personalized diet for your training goal and a little more
*Each nutrition guide includes information on creating a vegetarian, lactose-free, gluten-free diet

before purchasechoose your course format

[ 1 ] level of preparation
[ 2 ] language of instruction
[ 3 ] training format

the results



Write to us in tech-support and we will help you to solve the problem https://t.me/icaan_help

The basic course is suitable for you if:

> you have never exercised or have taken a significant break from workouts

> when performing exercises you feel the work of the loaded muscle poorly or not feel at all.

> you have difficulty with active walking, climbing uphill or stairs

> you have poor technique or not have technique at all in performing exercises

> you have a hard time doing ABS-crunches more than 10 times

An advanced course is suitable for you if:

> you exercise regularly, 2-4 times a week

> you have good technique

> you perform the exercises under control, > feeling the target muscle group

> you can easily perform ABS-crunches more than 12-15 times

Choose the course you want to take. Decide on the level of workload and location (home or gym) pay and access the course.

After payment you will receive an email with access.

All courses are adapted for simultaneous use both on a laptop and on a smartphone

Each course is designed for 60 days (2 months). Access to the course closes after 90 days.

Yes, on our website you can pay with a card registered anywhere in the world (except in russia).

Yes. Only persons 18 years oh age or older can take any training program.

Each course is designed for 3-4 workouts per week, which you can do at any time convenient for you. You can find more information and training plan guidelines inside the course.

For home courses, you may need dumbbells (made of water bottles 🙂 and fitness bands (not necessary) if you want to increase the load. All workouts in the gym are based on the classic set of machines and equipment available in each gym.

Of course, yes. No one is immune to illness, force majeure and deadlines. But pay attention to the fact that I cannot guarantee a pronounced result at the end of the course, if a significant number of training sessions were missed.

Regardless of your genetics, you will be able to see the first results after 30 days from the start of the course, provided you follow all the recommendations.

Before purchasing and taking any course on this site, consult your doctor if you have any concerns or limitations related to your health.

Yes, all nutrition training is customized to vegetarian, lactose-free and gluten-free menus.

Exercise and nutrition courses are designed for different purposes. I do not give you ready-made diets – I teach you to eat based on the results you want to achieve in the end. You will be able to find detailed information on the nutritional principles of cutting, bulking and weight maintenance within each course.

Of course, you can. I teach you to tailor your diet to your needs and preferences, without forcing you into a box or a clear menu. You can add and substitute foods and mix meals in any variation based on the recommendations. Furthermore, I recommend having a cheat meal every 3 weeks. But please note that I cannot guarantee a pronounced result at the end of the course if your diet went beyond the recommendations strongly and often.

You can get an online consultation only at the tariff marked “support”.